An anorak or parka is a type of heavy jacket with a hood, often lined with fur or fake fur, so as to protect the face from a combination offreezing temperatures and wind. This kind of garment, originally made from caribou or seal was invented by the Caribou Inuit, Inuit (Eskimo) of the Arctic region, who needed clothing that would protect them from wind chill and wetness while hunting and kayaking. Certain types of Inuit anoraks have to be regularly coated with fish oil to keep their water resistance.
The words anorak and parka are now often used interchangeably, but when first introduced, they described somewhat different garments, and the distinction is still maintained by some. Strictly speaking, an anorak is a waterproof jacket with a hood and drawstrings at the waist and cuffs, and a parka is a knee-length cold-weather jacket or coat; typically stuffed with down or very warm synthetic fiber, and with a fur-lined hood. Originally, an anorak specifically implied a pull-over jacket without a zipper, button, or frogged opening, but this distinction is now largely lost, and many garments with a full-length front opening are now described as anoraks. The anorak and parka have been developed from their traditional forms into a number of different designs using modern materials, notably the Fishtail and Snorkel parkas and theCagoule, a form of lightweight anorak.
The Emperor Mong has been hard at work at Princess Productions. Even now I can just imagine the look of surprise on some squaddies face when the gudily pink coloured Princes Productions helicopter got blown out of the sky by a Taliban RPG with wife/gf and baby on board. If it were me I would denomstrate my ‘surprise’ by making ready and switching the change lever on my A2 to automatic and wasting the TV crew and presenter while shouting ‘surprise surprise c*nts!’. However, on a happier note I too would like to see if their managing director would get it but their gash website keeps freezing my PC! – Shaolin Punk
Sorry but having just reads the thread. Which one of you lot will be the reality star for Pick TV or what ever channel they may sell this too. One of the most entertaining threads yet. 1 post and a classic is born.- ark angel
Look, this young innocent lady went out of her way to google British Army, to find the epicentre of all military and human knowledge available on this planet, to research a watery-eyed corporate money-maker off of our and our relatives backs, and to get up in the rankings of one of the ugliest companys known within the shores of Great Britain. – Aleegee 1698
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